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Gennaro Baffa

Director - FCILEX

About Me

I joined Shepherd Harris in September 1990 and was appointed a Director in June 2017. In June 2019 I was appointed as a Legally Qualified Chair of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service. 


I am an experienced criminal litigator and advocate. I was one of the first cohorts of Fellows of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives to be granted Advocacy Rights and Duty Solicitor status.I am a regular face at our local courts and believe it is important to maintain a presence to ensure that clients are treated with respect and are dealt with as speedily as possible.

Gennaro can assist you with 

Area of Expertise

I undertake a wide variety of cases within the field of criminal law (from road traffic to the gravest of crimes including murder). It has been said, and I agree, that what may seem to be a simple case of excess alcohol driving, may in fact be a complex case involving medical and/or other expert evidence. It doesn’t matter whether the charge is a minor one or indeed serious, the level of care in defending the case is to be the same as that is what I believe a client deserves. I have particular expertise (and am regularly instructed) in conducting cases where there is a large volume of paperwork. I have an unquestionable ability to keep on top of a case (by putting in place case strategies where appropriate). This is particularly important in cases where there are many statements and/or exhibits.


I am also conscious of the fact that clients like to see a familiar face and therefore I find it important to maintain continuity wherever possible.


Until recently I used to also conduct cases involving personal injury and/or clinical negligence. Due to me receiving more and more instructions in respect of criminal law, I have decided to dedicate my time to protecting the interests of those accused of an offence/offences. 

What My Clients Say

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